Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Work in Progress - Savor Lawrence Art

One way to tell if something is really going to happen? If people start hanging things on your wall...

The art for the "Savor Lawrence: Local Food + World Art" is arriving and those murals I was telling you about are climbing those walls over at the Monarch. Here is a peek at the work in progress...

Such amazing work, I can't wait til everything is up and people are arriving for the event this Saturday by 6pm. This is the best way I can think of to spend the first Saturday of Spring.

A special thank you to the people working hard to get these murals ready for their Lawrence debut.

Come on out and Savor Lawrence!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Savor The Art of Savor Lawrence

I've been talking about the artists, the murals, and here I can finally show you some more of the actual art that you can see in person on the 24th of March. The "Oranges and Lemons" is by Jennie Santos. This isn't everything the artists have been working on, but a good sample.

Click here to check out the photostream on the Savor Lawrence Flickr page

There are some very talented folks coming, who you will also be able to meet and learn more about what they do during the Savor Lawrence.

Don't wait! Click the link now! You will be glad you did.

Yes, wait! Here is one more peek of a "batea" or antique wooden working tray painted by Johnny Jimenez, before you click...

okay, now click.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Special art for the show

We just returned from NYC to collect the art from the NY based artists participating in the Savor Lawrence. It was great to spend time with the creative people behind such amazing work.

This video link demonstrates how one participating artist, Andy Castillo, gets inspiration and motivation from his young, naturally talented son.

Several of the pieces in the video will be available on March 24th. Click for another reason you will not want to miss this evening of art and local food.